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Information for Faculty
Library Instruction

Every quarter, incoming students are required to attend an instructional class in the Library on how to use the available resources.  Therefore, your students should already have the tools for doing research for their papers by the time the assignments are made.  Any students who have not participated in Library instruction should be directed to the Librarian to set up an appointment to do so.

If you find that your students need extra help, or you want to spend class time working in the Library, the Librarian will gladly provide instruction for classes in the Library at faculty request. Instructors may also reserve use of Library computers for their classes.  All such instructional services should be scheduled well in advance of the desired time.

Faculty are required to remain in the Library and assist their students during any classtime instruction session.

For scheduling, please contact the Librarian:
phone: (952) 851-0066
e-mail: Click Here

Contents ©2011 Academy College