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Circulation Policies


The general library collection and class reserve materials may be checked out.  Materials classified as permanent reserve can circulate on campus.  Reference materials, videotapes, journals, magazines, & newspapers are non-circulating items.  Articles may however be photocopied in accordance with the "fair use" provisions as set forth in the U.S. Copyright Act (17 U.S.C. Section 107).                                                                                                                                      *Please note: An entire journal, magazine or newspaper may not be photocopied!

Borrowing Limit:  

A total of ten items, of which no more than three can be class or permanent reserve materials, may be checked out at any given time.  

Loan Periods

General Collection:  Three weeks.

Class Reserve:  Three days unless otherwise requested by course instructor.

Permanent Reserve: Six hours.  Materials may not be taken off campus.

*Please note: All materials must be returned by the last Friday of classes of each quarter.


General collection materials can be renewed for one additional three week period but are subject to a five day recall.  Renewals can be made over the telephone.  No renewals are permitted for class reserve material unless requested by class instructor.  Permanent reserve materials cannot be renewed.                                                                                                                        *Please note: All materials must be returned by the last Friday of classes of each quarter.


Late return rates:                                                                                                     
General collection material:                $   .50 per day                         
Class reserve material:                      $ 2.00 per day                      
Recalled general collection material     $ 1.00 per day
Interlibrary loan material                    Rate charged by lending library

General collection materials not returned within fifteen days after the due date or five days after a recall notice due date are deemed to be lost and borrower will be assessed the replacement cost plus a $10.00 service fee.  Class reserve material not returned within five days after the due date are deemed lost and borrowers will be assessed the replacement cost plus a $10.00 service fee.   Interlibrary loan materials are deemed lost in accordance with the policies of the lending library and costs are assessed accordingly plus a $20 service fee.

Damaged materials

Borrowers will be assessed the lesser of the repair costs or the replacement cost plus a $10.00 service charge.  Interlibrary loan materials are assessed according to the policies of the lending library plus a $20 service fee.


Lost materials

Borrowers will be assessed the replacement cost plus a $10.00 service charge.  Interlibrary loan materials are assessed according to the policies of the lending library plus a $20 service fee.


Suspension of Borrowing Privileges

Privileges will be suspended immediately when fines and/or assessed costs exceed $50.00 or if under $50.00 at the end of the quarter.  Unpaid fines and assessments will be added to the student’s account.  Privileges may also be suspended if there are repeated late returns, damage or loss of library materials.

Reinstatement of Borrowing Privileges 

Borrowing privileges may be reinstated when the matter has been resolved through return of materials, payment of fines and assessments, and/or consultation with the Librarian.         

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