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Information for Faculty
Collection Development Policy

The Mission of Academy College Library is to support the instructional programs of the College. In pursuing this mission the Library will develop and maintain, to the best of its abilities, a collection which is responsive to the needs of its users.  This collection will include books, serial publications, audiovisuals, internet resources both current and retrospective, and other print and non-print media which support the teaching and research needs of the users (student, faculty and staff).

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Criteria for Selection of Materials

The Librarian will work with teaching faculty and college administrators, who are encouraged to submit requests for both print and non-print materials which fall within their areas of expertise. Their requests are honored within the scope of the collection development policy and budget.

The following factors are recommended for faculty to consider when making a selection:

  • accuracy, anticipated authority and reputation of the publisher/author;
  • anticipated need in fulfilling requests for information;
  • social and/or artistic merit and timeliness of the item;
  • need for additional material on the same subject in the collection;
  • cost in relation to anticipated benefit.
It is recommended that reviews (preferably more than one per title) be utilized during the selection process.

The following prioritized list of considerations for acquiring Library resources shall be in place:

  1. Current monographs, reference materials, Web-based resources, and serials which support the College curriculum;
  2. Classic or older resources which support the curriculum;
  3. Resources which enhance faculty preparation for teaching;
  4. Resources which assist the College administration and Library staff conduct their business and enhance their professionalism;
  5. Resources which pertain to local history;
  6. Resources which provide recreational reading/information for students, faculty, and staff;
  7. Resources which promote the development of area educational and business endeavors.
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Limitations on Purchases

Several areas of specific limitations on purchases follow:

  1. Audiovisuals materials, computer software, and other media:
    • will be purchased if an item is considered an especially desirable addition to the collection;
    • will not be routinely purchased for use as instructional aids for faculty, but rather, as is the case with print materials, to provide support to classroom instruction and the curriculum;
    • will be housed in the Library and shelved accordingly.

  2. Textbooks, workbooks, laboratory manuals:
    • will not ordinarily be purchased for the collection;
    • will be considered for exception if justification is presented to the Librarian in writing.

  3. Foreign language materials:
    • are not generally acquired;
    • will be included as needed to support any foreign language programs offered by the College.

  4. Gifts of library materials:
    • are accepted at the discretion of the Librarian with the understanding that there are no conditions attached to the disposition;
    • are not appraised by the Library staff; appraisal of gifts for tax purposes is the responsibility of the donor.

  5. Duplicate copies:
    • will be kept to a minimum in an effort to avoid unnecessary duplication.  Recommended titles will be compared to titles already available on local, state and regional levels based on their accessibility to the students/faculty, and then evaluated against need by the Librarian;
    • will not be purchased unless needed for reserve purposes;
    • will be kept to a maximum of two copies.
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The Academy College Library gladly accepts gifts of books and other resources with the stipulation that any item not meeting the selection criteria may not be added to the collection, as deemed appropriate by the Librarian.  (See "Limitations on Purchases" point (4) above.)

Statement of Freedom of Inquiry

The Library supports the principles of freedom of inquiry.  All resources selected for inclusion in the Library's holdings, whether purchased, donated, or free of charge, must be clearly related to the general educational mission and stated goals of Academy College.  Because the College is dedicated to the principle of unrestricted inquiry into and scholarly examination of all ideas and current knowledge germane to any discipline, the staff of the Library will remain vigilant in its efforts to assure patrons that no form of censorship, whether based on personal or ideological bias, will be allowed to circumscribe the development of the collection.  The Library at Academy College subscribes to and acts in accordance with the Library Bill of Rights, developed by the American Library Association, contained in Appendix A of this document.

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Collection Review, Retention and Discard Policy

Routine, systematic reviews of the collection are conducted for the purposes of:

  • Identifying gaps in the collection;
  • Assessing use of various subject areas to maintain a balanced collection;
  • Assessing the physical condition of materials to determine repair needs;
  • Withdrawal of outdated materials.
Collection review is the responsibility of the Librarian.  Faculty will be asked to assist the Library staff in reviewing and weeding specialized areas.

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Internet Resources

The Academy College Library supports the instructional and research programs of the College. Toward this aim, the Library collects or provides access to materials in multiple formats, including electronic formats.  The most common electronic resource, the Internet, is readily available to any Library user.  However, while the Internet is easily accessible, the Library recognizes that careful selection of internet resources and availability of these through the Library's web site will accomplish several objectives:

  • Increase awareness and maximize use of significant sites;
  • Provide value-added access to internet resources often absent when using various search engines to locate resources;
  • Enhance and expand the Library's collection of traditional formats.
The selection of Internet resources should follow present collection development policies, both general and subject-specific.  Specifically, their selection should adhere closely to the chronological, geographical, language, and date-of-publication guidelines set forth in those policies.

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Specific Format Criteria for Internet Resources

In addition to content, subject specialists should closely consider the criteria listed below when considering the purchase of internet resources:

  • The improvement or enhancement to existing print materials the resource will provide;
  • The broad accessibility of the resource under present copyright laws and licensing agreements;
  • The compatibility of the resource with hardware existing in or about to be purchased for the Library;
  • The currency and relevancy of the resource's information, if deemed necessary for subject matter;
  • The user-friendliness of the resource.

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De-selection of Internet Resources

Different subject areas obviously require different applications of generally accepted de-selection principles.  Nevertheless, ongoing de-selection of internet resources is a necessity because of the dynamic nature of such resources.

These guidelines will be followed when deciding to deselect a resource:

  • An internet resource is no longer available or maintained;
  • The currency and reliability of the resource's information has lost its value;
  • Another internet site or resource offers more comprehensive coverage.

Review of Collection Development Policy

Periodic and systematic reviews of collection development needs and procedures shall be held to examine the currency and relevancy of acquisition policies each year.

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Appendix A
Library Bill of Rights

The American Library Association affirms that all libraries are forums for information and ideas, and that the following basic policies should guide their services.

  1. Books and other library resources should be provided for the interest, information, and enlightenment of all people of the community the library serves.  Materials should not be excluded because of the origin, background, or views of those contributing to their creation.
  2. Libraries should provide materials and information presenting all points of view on current and historical issues.  Materials should not be proscribed or removed because of partisan or doctrinal disapproval.
  3. Libraries should challenge censorship in the fulfillment of their responsibility to provide information and enlightenment.
  4. Libraries should cooperate with all persons and groups concerned with resisting abridgment of free expression and free access to ideas.
  5. A person's right to use a library should not be denied or abridged because of origin, age, background, or views.
  6. Libraries which make exhibit spaces and meeting rooms available to the public they serve should make such facilities available on an equitable basis, regardless of the beliefs or affiliations of individuals or groups requesting their use.

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Contents ©2011 Academy College