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Information for Faculty
Faculty Borrowing Privileges

Most of these borrowing privileges are universal for all borrowers.  Please also see the policies listed under "General Information."

Faculty Borrowing Limit: 5 items.

Faculty Loan Period: one term.
*Please note: all materials must be returned by the last Friday of classes of each quarter.

Recalls.  Materials may be recalled by the Library staff after two weeks. If you receive a notice for an item needed by another patron, please return it within five days.

Renewals.  Items may be renewed unless they are in demand by others.  Materials must be physically brought back to the Library for renewal; phone and e-mail renewals will not be accepted.  Items which are not returned or renewed shall be regarded as overdue and/or lost.

Fines.  Borrowers are responsible for returning materials by the due date.  Notices will be sent at an appropriate time to advise holders of overdue materials that their loan period has expired, and that fees will be assessed.  Faculty borrowers who fail to return materials or to pay Library fines may have said fines deducted from their wages.
*Overdue fines are 50¢ per day per item, up to the cost of replacing the item.

*Please note: The Librarian, at his/her discretion, shall be empowered to modify or waive these rules in questionable cases.
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