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Information for Faculty
Course Reserves

Materials which must be used by students in order to complete course requirements may be placed on reserve in the Library.  Reserve materials are shelved in a special area, and materials are only to be used within the Library.

Library Reserves Policy
  1. An instructor's personal copies will be placed on reserve at the instructor's request. These items will be given the same care that our Library materials receive.  However, we can make no guarantee against loss or damage.
    • Be sure to write your name clearly somewhere on any books to be put on reserve.
    • Please group solution sets, photocopies of articles, reprints and other loose material in a binder suitable for circulation and submit it to the Librarian, along with the Reserve Form.  The Library does not provide binders.
  2. The form for placing your own materials on reserve is available in the Library or on the Library web site under "Information for Faculty - Course Reserves" at resform.pdf. When submitting materials for inclusion, please print and fill out this form and submit it to the Librarian.  Reserve items will not be accepted from private collections without the completed form.
  3. Within reason and copyright restrictions, copies of periodical or newspaper articles will be placed on reserve at faculty request.  According to copyright restrictions, a photocopied article may only be used as a reserve item for one quarter.  For reuse, permission must be granted from the copyright owner and a copy of the permission letter filed with the Librarian.
  4. Items will be placed on reserve on a first-come basis.  Please allow at least 48 hours for the Librarian to process the materials for the reserve shelves.
  5. Be sure that the Library has placed your items on reserve before you assign them to your class.
  6. Workbooks cannot be placed on reserve.

At the end of the quarter, all reserve materials are returned to regular shelving and personal copies can be picked up by the respective faculty member unless it has been requested that they remain on reserve and the proper authorization has been received as designated above.

Notice:  The Copyright Law of the United States governs the making of photocopies or other reproductions of copyrighted material.  In accepting photocopies for reserves the Academy College Library assumes that the copy or copies have been made in compliance with the fair use provisions of section 107.

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