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web design program outline
associate of applied science degree
credit requirements: Minimum 102 Quarter Credits
day program: 6 Quarters to complete
evening program: 9 Quarters to complete
description: Web sites are an important tool to communicate information about companies, their mission, product, and services.  Graduates from the Web Design programs at Academy College can work in large and small corporations as web designers or do freelance work as you develop your own business.  Academy College trains Graduates in both design and development of Web sites.
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Course Name Credits  
Digital Arts Courses - Minimum 24 Credits    
Graphic Design 6  
Digital Imagery 6  
Digital Illustration 6  
Electronic Publishing 6  
Computer Programming Course - Minimum 6 Credits    
HTML and Java Scripting 6  
Web Design Courses - Minimum 30 Credits    
Web Design 6  
Web Motion 6  
Advanced Web Design 6  
Design for e-Commerce 6  
Web Production 6  
Technical Course Electives - Minimum 12 Credits    
General Education Courses - Minimum 30 Credits    
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