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Are Online Courses for Me?

Take the self-survey below or download the Microsoft Word version to print it out.

1. My need to take this course now is:
high - I need it immediately for a specific goal.
moderate - I could take it on campus later or substitute another course.
low - it could be postponed.
2. Feeling that I am part of a class is:
not particularly necessary for me.
somewhat important to me.
very important to me.
3. I would classify myself as someone who:
often gets things done ahead of time.
needs reminding to get things done on time.
puts things off until the last minute or doesn't complete them.
4. Classroom discussion is:
rarely helpful to me.
sometimes helpful to me.
almost always helpful to me.
5. When an instructor hands out directions for an assignment, I prefer:
figuring out the instructions myself.
trying to follow the directions on my own, then asking for help as needed.
having the instructions explained to me.
6. I need faculty comments on my assignments:
within a few weeks, so I can review what I did.
within a few days, or I forget what I did.
right away, or I get very frustrated.
7. Considering my professional and personal schedule, the amount of time I have to work on a distance-learning course is:
more than enough for an on-campus course.
the same as for a class held on campus.
less than for a class held on campus.
8. Coming to campus on a regular schedule is:
extremely difficult for me; I have commitments (work, family, or personal) during times when classes are offered.
a little difficult, but I can rearrange my priorities to allow for regular attendance on campus.
easy for me.
9. As a reader, I would classify myself as:
good - I usually understand the text without help.
average - I sometimes need help to understand the text.
slower than average.
10. When I need help understanding a subject:
I am comfortable approaching an instructor to ask for clarification.
I am uncomfortable approaching an instructor, but do it anyway.
I never approach an instructor to admit I don't understand something.
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