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medical administration program outline
credit requirements: Minimum 58 Quarter Credits
day program: 4 Quarters to complete
evening program: 5 Quarters to complete
description: Professionals in the Medical Administration industry provide the administrative support to ensure that the medical office is organized and efficient.  Medical Administrative Professionals transcribe physician dictation, prepare physician and office correspondence, and assist physicians in preparing reports and speeches.  These highly sought after individuals may also assist patients in scheduling appointments and hospital stays.  If you have a passion for the medical field and want to assist physicians in providing excellent patient care then the Medical Administration career may be for you!
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Course Name Credits  
Business Courses - Minimum 12 Credits
Essentials of Business Communication 6  
Office & Clerical Operations 6  
Computer Science Courses - Minimum 12 Credits    
MS Office 6  
A minimum of 6 additional credits is required 6  
Choose from the 1000 level or above CS catagory courses provided that prerquistes are met.
Recomendations are Operating Systems, Advanced MS Office, or Database Concepts
Medical Courses - Minimum 24 Credits    
Medical Office Procedures 6  
Medical Terminology 6  
Medical Law & Ethics 6  
Medical Insurance & Coding 6  
General Education Course - Minimum 5 Credits    
Written & Oral Communication 5  
Anatomy & Physiology 5
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